The Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence is participating in Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Here is a list of events happening throughout the month. Please visit to register or find out more information. Date Time Event 4/1/2015 10am Primary Prevention Webinar 4/1/15-4/30/15 All Month Teal ribbon giveaway 4/3/2015 TBD The Hunting Ground Documentary Premier’s at The Belcourt 4/3/2015 All Day International Day Against Victim Blaming 4/6/2015 Through the rest of the month Library Display 4/7/2015 All Day SAAM Day of Action 4/10/2015 3-8pm SAAM Art Night 4/12-18/2015 All Week Anti-Street Harassment Week 4/20/2015 All Day Annual Conference 4/24/2015 8-11:30 PM Take Back The Night 4/29/2015 All Day Denim Day
Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence will hold their 13th Annual Conference, Inspire, Connect, Act, April 20-22 at the Music City Center in downtown Nashville. Registration is available at Workshop topics include:
Working with Survivors
Importance of Advocacy Work
Importance of Self-Care
Shelter Best Practices
Working with Child Victims of Domestic Violence
Trauma and Dissociation and Advocacy
Sexual Assault and the LGBTQ Community
Best Practices for Working with Male Survivors of Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault Legal Advocacy
Advanced Topics for Experienced Advocates
Rural Sexual Assault Survivors
Victims Compensation
Batterer Intervention Program topics
And More!