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Sustainable Tennessee Agenda Sign Today

Sustainable Tennessee was founded in 2007 with the goal of developing and implementing a statewide Sustainability Agenda.  This document is a roadmap for policy and practice issues that will protect and re-vitalize our economy, communities, natural resources and quality of life in Tennessee.  The Agenda includes with the input of over 750 individuals including citizens, conservation groups, environmental policy experts, elected officials, and representatives of private businesses, industry, and educational institutions.  This coalition meets throughout the year to develop and implement the Agenda.

In 2011 our top priorities include banning mountaintop removal mining, creating green jobs through renewable energy and conservation initiatives, and stopping nuclear waste disposal in Tennessee landfills.  Please read and sign the Agenda at  Our goal is to reach 200 signatures on the Agenda by January 25 when we will present it to the TN Legislature.  Sustainable Tennessee is a project of the Tennessee Environmental Council

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